F1 Clean Norge As

Dealer for F1 Clean EUROPE Vertrieb, the Swiss manufacturer of world-class care products F1 Clean the car, motorcycle, scooter and boat. Motoring is our world. We love cars. That is why we tend them as best we can. This is precisely because of the great passion for cars that our company - F1 Clean Norway - has been established. We are one of the many dealers for F1 Clean EUROPE Vertrieb, the Swiss manufacturer of world-class care products F1 Clean the car, motorcycle, scooter and boat. From now on, thanks to us, they are also available in Norway ;) Just like human skin need different agents to look good, need car care products suitable to shine among others. And these exact products we offer. F1 Clean has such certificates as ISO 9002, DIN EN 29888, DIN 38409-H41 and ISO 6060, so you can be sure that the products maintain the highest quality. So if you want your car looks exceptionally good, that its body glisten in the sun, and that its interior smells good and is spotlessly clean - you are at the right place. You are welcome to get acquainted with our range of car care products - products that are unique in the Norwegian market.
